
Hello, this is Jason Bradley with InternetWealth4U

Many people will dismiss this messageand make the HUGE mistake in saying "I don't have enough time, money or experience". Well guess what... none of that matters! This could be the changing point of your life. Make the time and take action.
This is a fairly long report, but smart people will read every word (You'll see why as you read and watch the videos).

You're here because you truly believe in your heart that you have what it takes to create true freedom in your life...
But you need the right products/services, a product that makes you feel great helping others!!
The Secret to what your looking for just may be IW4U!! My team and I will be with you Each and EVERY step of the way, to Help You Understand What Works and What Doesn't and to Put the Essential Fundamentals in Place so You Can Get Reliable RESULTS...

We Don't Need "FLUFF" or "HYPE" from someone who has never actually used IW4U Services...

IW4U truly does have the absolute BEST Products/Services on the market today!

From: Bruce Parks

Location: Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Subject: InternetWealth4U

I'd like to congratulate you on your decision to get more information!

Hello & Welcome!

You're here because you're looking for a legitimate, realistic and proven way to make a substantial income from home.

Well, you're in luck, because I'm about to teach you how!

First off...

The level of support and guidance I provide my downline is unparalleled in this industry.

So I have a lot to tell you. I don't have to fill up this page with hype and empty promises. This is real substance, valuable information that you will be reading, and it has the potential to change your life!

So if you're really SERIOUS about making at least $500 per month and eventually $5,000 AND MORE per month, then you need to read this whole letter... period.

It just amazes me how some people say they are really serious about building a large income from their own business and then have "no time" or "no interest" in doing the ONE CRITICAL THING that they need to do in order to make it happen...


Then Take MASSIVE ACTION & Responsibility for your OWN actions or inactions.

If you're just looking for a pretty website that promises instant riches without doing anything, then just leave. Really. People like that are a pain to work with and they end up quitting on themselves anyway.

If you're just a real person and you know that in order to create a substantial income, it takes SYSTEMS, ACTIONS, INVESTMENTS and joining the RIGHT TEAM... then keep on reading. This will be a refreshing experience for you...




YES, you still have to learn to do a few cool things to promote your business—things I will show you in great detail after you've gained some knowledge from within my team facebook group and commit yourself to grow your business. BUT....

NONE of those simple things will involve cold calling or chasing people around like a lunatic, or bugging people about your "opportunity".

Leave all that old school "pitch and chase" sales hack stuff for burned out sales people...

So grab a drink, and let's get started...

Helping People is why i decided to start InternetWealth4U and own my own business, rather than staying forever stuck in "WAGE SLAVERY", er... uh, I mean a "9:00 to 5:00 job" (or a 7:00am to 7:00pm job, like some of you have!):

Normally, I wouldn't give out my SUPER SECRETS. but i feel in this message i need to be brutally honest about this business.
This business is Truly Worth Thousands of dollars when you consider the products we give away free to our members.

IW4U is committed to having the highest quality, lowest priced products/services on the market. And just as importantly, we vow to always provide the fairest, most lucrative, most unique and powerful business opportunity ever created.
We invite you to become fully familiarized with all aspects of our amazing product line and our totally unique business because there are no Gimmicks or Gotchas here. We know, the deeper you dig, the better IW4U gets.
When a person joins my team, I bring them into my team Facebook group, I give them multiple pre written posts, I’m available almost 24 hours a day to answer questions and help them get started.... I can pretty much guarantee everyone that joins me will make money within two months if they just give me 30-60 minutes a day of their time.

Here's what I provide:

A TEAM Environment that communicates the entire process of what is working and what isn't.... establishing your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Talking and leading your prospects through your own personal views on what youve learned and testimonies you've heard.
That gives your prospects compelling and even irresistible reasons to join YOU in your new business...

Giving you all the step-by-step guidance you need to grow your business as fast as you can handle it. This includes detailed training on how to drive TONS of info requests into your inbox.
The Compensation Plan:

Check it out Below!*addtext_com_MjIxNzUxMzEwMDQ*jpg?alt=media&token=5853173d-b693-40ff-974a-a07665cf5efc*51974106_1884646748313787_2735166101875851264_n*jpg?alt=media&token=a5d10676-ecf0-4156-830f-60b167912882
Additional Bonuses to Being a IW4U Member
Access to Thousands upon Thousands of Dollars worth of training and ebooks!

More to come soon!!